Jurnal Cerdas Proklamator https://jnte.bunghatta.ac.id/index.php/jcp <p style="text-align: justify;">Jurnal Cerdas Proklamator Universitas Bung Hatta with <a href="http://issn.pdii.lipi.go.id/issn.cgi?daftar&amp;1500523308&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ISSN 2597-7911</a> (Online) and <a href="http://issn.pdii.lipi.go.id/issn.cgi?daftar&amp;1365054162&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">ISSN 2338-0926</a> (Print) is a peer reviewed journal published by Prodi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar Universitas Bung Hatta twice a year&nbsp;in June and December. This journal focuses on the theory and application of basic education which includes access, quality, curriculum and learning as well as basic education management. Jurnal Cerdas Proklamator Universitas Bung Hatta is open to all readers. Jurnal Cerdas Proklamator Universitas Bung Hatta is positioned as a forum for academics and practitioners to share scientific information about research results.</p> Program Studi PGSD FKIP Universitas Bung Hatta en-US Jurnal Cerdas Proklamator 2338-0926 <p>Copy right in each article belong to the authors.</p> <p>1. The author acknowledges that the Journal Cerdas Proklamator as a publisher who publishes for the first time with the</p> <p><a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/" target="_blank" rel="license noopener">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.</a></p> <p>2. The Author can enter the writing separately, manage the non exclusive distribution of manuscripts that have been published in this journal into the other versions (eg sent to the repository of the author's institution, publication in book, etc), by acknowledge that the manuscript was first published in the Jurnal Cerdas Proklamator.</p> PENGEMBANGAN APLIKASI MOBILE LEARNING PEMBELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN AGAMA BUDDHA DAN BUDI PEKERTI KELAS IV SD https://jnte.bunghatta.ac.id/index.php/jcp/article/view/190 <p><em>This research and development aim to 1) developing mobile learning application on tolerance in culture of Buddhist Education subjects, 2) knowing the quality of the mobile learning application by validity, practicality, and effectivity of the product. </em></p> <p><em>This research and development are done by using Four-D model which consists of define, design, develop, and disseminate. The develop stage using multimedia development life cycle of six stages, which are concept, design, material collecting, assembly, testing, and distribution. </em></p> <p><em>The validity of the product by assessment of material experts and media experts resulting V score of 0,9 that means valid. The practicality of the product by assessment of the students resulting k score of 0,86 which is very practical. The effectivity of the product is conducted by doing test in experimental class and control class resulting N Gain score of experimental class is 77,27% in category effective in conclusion the mobile learning application is valid, practical, and effective. </em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Ari Suryana Walyono Ratna Setyaningsih Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Cerdas Proklamator http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 11 2 127 136 ANALISIS KEMAMPUAN SISWA DALAM MENENTUKAN SUBJEK, PREDIKAT, OBJEK, KETERANGAN (SPOK) PADA MATA PELAJARAN BAHASA INDONESIA MATERI CERITA DONGENG DI KELAS 4 SD NEGERI BABADSARI https://jnte.bunghatta.ac.id/index.php/jcp/article/view/193 <p><em>Ghaniyu Faik Aqshal "Analysis of Students' Ability in Determining Subjects, Predicates, Objects, Information (SPOK) in Indonesian Language Subjects with Fairy Tale Material in Class 4 of Babadsari State Elementary School". Primary School Teacher Education Thesis, FKIP, Muhammadiyah University Purworejo 2023.</em></p> <p><em>This research aims to determine the difficulties and factors of student difficulty in determining Subject, Predicate, Object, Information (SPOK) in Indonesian Language Subjects, Fairy Tale Material in Class 4 of Babadsari State Elementary School.</em></p> <p><em>The results of the research were that students had the ability to determine SPOK with five students in the very good category, eight students in the adequate category, and four students in the poor category. Students experience difficulties in determining SPOK as follows; 1. Students have difficulty understanding the meaning of the elements of SPOK; 2. Students have difficulty distinguishing predicate and object elements; 3. Students tend to only master one or two sentence elements. Student difficulty factors are divided into internal and external factors. The internal factors of student difficulties are; 1. Students are not yet fluent in reading; 2. Students are not careful when working on questions. External factors for students to determine SPOK are; 1. Disharmonious family environment; 2. Parents are busy so they lack learning assistance.)</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong> <em>Ability, SPOK, Tales, Difficulty, Difficulty factors.</em></p> Ghaniyu Faik Aqshal Titi Anjarini Muflikhul Khaq Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Cerdas Proklamator http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 11 2 137 147 PENGEMBANGAN BUKU AJAR PERKULIAHAN KONSEP DASAR PENDIDIKAN IPS SD UNTUK MAHASISWA PGSD https://jnte.bunghatta.ac.id/index.php/jcp/article/view/191 <p>A lecturer's lack of ability to develop learning books in lectures means that lectures only use the same textbooks. This research produced a product in the form of a lecture textbook on Basic Concepts of Elementary School Social Sciences Education. Research and development was carried out by adapting the model from Dick &amp; Carey (1996) with all the ADDIE stages. Based on the results of research conducted by researchers, the results show that the textbooks for the Basic Concepts of Elementary School Social Sciences Education that have been developed meet valid, practical and effective standards. Digital textbook products that meet valid standards can be seen in the average results of each validation. Material validation with an average of 92.2% is classified as very valid, media validation with an average of 94% is classified as very valid and language validation with an average of 92.7% is classified as very valid. Then, for digital textbook products that are classified as practical, we can see from the assessment results of course lecturers (100%) and students (98.25%) that they are classified as very practical. Furthermore, the product is very effective because student learning outcomes from the cognitive aspect are above the predetermined standards (100% complete).</p> M. Anggrayni Wiwik Okta Susilawati Lika Apreasta Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Cerdas Proklamator http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 11 2 148 161 PENGARUH FAKTOR DARI DALAM DAN FAKTOR DARI LUAR TERHADAP MINAT SISWA DALAM PROSES PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA INDONESIA TEMA PENDIDIKAN KELAS VI DI SD IT KAUTSAR ILMI MUARO SIJUNJUNG https://jnte.bunghatta.ac.id/index.php/jcp/article/view/189 <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong><strong><em>The Influence of Internal Factors and External Factors on Students' Interest in the Learning Process of Class XI Lecture Texts at SMA Negeri 2 Pariaman</em></strong><em>. This research aims at determining the influence of internal and external factors on students' interest in the learning process of the lecture texts. The research subjects for class XI IPA 2 were 19 female students and 16 male students. This type of research uses a quantitative approach. The source of this research data is in the form of lecture texts that students work on and then display them in front of the class. The data collection technique used was reading and listening techniques and there are assessment criteria when students perform it to their friends. The findings revealed that that the students’ ability to read and compose lecture texts was still low due to the duration of the subjects being too long which made students bored or bored. The lack of vocabulary knowledge in students makes it difficult for them to make lecture texts and they will be nervous to appear in front of the class.</em></p> Desy Arisandy Syofiani Syofiani Welya Roza Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Cerdas Proklamator http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 11 2 162 168 MENGOPTIMALKAN MANAJEMEN KONFLIK DALAM KEPEMIMPINAN KEPALA SEKOLAH MI https://jnte.bunghatta.ac.id/index.php/jcp/article/view/197 <p>Conflict is an inevitable aspect in any organizational environment, including educational institutions. Effective conflict management is crucial for maintaining a harmonious and productive school environment. This research aims to identify effective strategies in optimizing conflict management in the leadership of MI school principals. The research method employed was a field study, involving direct observation and interviews with MI school principals who have successful experience in conflict management. Participants were selected based on their experience and reputation in conflict resolution. The results of this research reveal the presence of effective communication strategies, fair conflict resolution, and the development of an inclusive school culture as important factors in optimizing conflict management in the leadership of MI school principals. Principals who demonstrate the ability to listen empathetically, communicate clearly and openly, and build respectful relationships can create a harmonious school environment. Collaborative approaches, mediation, and emphasis on common interests contribute to fair conflict resolution. Additionally, building an inclusive school culture that encourages active participation from all stakeholders is essential. This research provides a significant contribution to our understanding of conflict management in the context of MI school principal leadership. The findings of this research can serve as a guide for MI school principals in addressing and resolving conflicts, as well as enhancing the quality of their leadership. Furthermore, this research provides a foundation for further studies in this field to develop more specific and effective strategies in optimizing conflict management in the leadership of MI school principals.</p> Moh. Ferdi Hasan Shaleh Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Cerdas Proklamator http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 11 2 169 176 ANALISIS MUATAN PROFIL PELAJAR PANCASILA PADA TEKS CERITA “SUKA DAN TIDAK SUKA” PADA BUKU PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA INDONESIA KELAS IV SD NEGERI BABADSARI KEBUMEN https://jnte.bunghatta.ac.id/index.php/jcp/article/view/200 <p><em>This research was motivated by the difficulty of knowing the content of the profile of Pancasila students in the story text entitled "Likes and Dislikes". This research aims to find out what the profile of Pancasila students contains in the story text "Likes and Dislikes" in the fourth grade Indonesian language learning book at Babadsari State Elementary School. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods. The results of this research are that there are five contents of the profile of Pancasila students in the story text "Likes and Dislikes" in the Indonesian language learning book, namely 1) The dimension of faith, devotion to God Almighty and having noble morals, elements of morals towards humans are contained in the eighth paragraph, line sixth from the bottom. 2) The critical reasoning dimension, the element of obtaining and processing information and ideas, is contained in the fourth paragraph, eleventh line from the top. 3) The independent dimension of elements of self-understanding and the situation faced is contained in the fifth paragraph, fifteenth line from the top. 4) The creative dimension of the element of producing original work and actions is contained in the third paragraph, eighth line from the top and the element of having flexibility of thinking in finding alternative solutions to problems is contained in the nineteenth paragraph, third line from the bottom. 5) The mutual cooperation dimension of the sharing element is contained in the seventeenth paragraph, ninth line from the bottom.</em></p> Muhamad Fatoni Suyoto Muflikhul Khaq Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Cerdas Proklamator http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 11 2 177 184 PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN CONTEXTUAL TEACHING AND LEARNING (CTL) PADA MATA PELAJARAN IPA SISWA KELAS V SDN 15 ULAK KARANG PADANG https://jnte.bunghatta.ac.id/index.php/jcp/article/view/204 <p>Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan perbandingan hasil belajar biologi siswa yang diajarkan mengunakan model pembelajaran contextual teaching and learning (CTL) dengan menggunakan metode konvensional di SDN 15 Ulak Karang Padang dari aspek kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotor. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan rancangan penelitian randomized control group posttest only design. Penelitian ini menggunakan populasi dari seluruh siswa SDN 15 Ulak Karang Padang yang terdiri dari empat kelas. Dalam pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sampling sedangkan untuk menentukan kelas kontrol dan kelas eksperimen menggunakan teknik random. Instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini untuk memperoleh data berupa lembaran tes dan lembaran pengamatan aspek afektif dan psikomotor. Untuk pengujian hipotesis menggunakan uji kesamaan dua rata-rata atau uji-t dimana Nilai t yang diperoleh yaitu t<sub>hitung=</sub> 4,04 dan t<sub>tabel=</sub> 2,00 pada taraf kepercayaan ?=0,05. Hasil belajar nilai&nbsp; rata-rata aspek kognitif kelas&nbsp; eksperimen adalah 82,60 dan kelas&nbsp; kontrol adalah 70,79. Untuk aspek afektif nilai rata-rata kelas eksperimen adalah 89,27 dan nilai rata-rata kelas kontrol adalah 73,53 dan aspek psikomotor dengan rata-rata nilai eksperimen 78,24 dan pada kelas kontrol 68,46. Pada penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil belajar biologi siswa dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran contextual teaching and learning (CTL) lebih baik daripada hasil belajar biologi siswa yang menggunakan pembelajaran konvensional</p> Erman Har Welya Roza Wince Hendri Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Cerdas Proklamator http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 11 2 185 193 PENGEMBANGAN BAHAN AJAR LKPD KEBHINEKAAN GLOBAL PADA MATA PELAJARAN BAHASA JAWA SD https://jnte.bunghatta.ac.id/index.php/jcp/article/view/194 <p><em>Students' low understanding of the Javanese language, especially English manners, is among the challenges that students face in preserving their own culture. Indonesia has various tribes and cultures as well as mother tongues (dialects), the differences which combine to create its beauty. This research aims to develop Global Diversity LKPD teaching materials for Javanese language subjects to determine the effectiveness of teaching material products to improve students' understanding of the Javanese language krama inggil. The research methodology is developed using the ADDIE model in class V of SD Negeri 3 Jebol. The results of the needs analysis indicate that students experienced problems in understanding the Javanese language, krama inggil. Hence, the design of the LKPD teaching materials was global diversity by collecting vocabulary into four languages and using images of global diversity. The results of research on global diversity LKPD teaching materials show that the overall value of the material expert validation aspect was 78.3% and the media was 77.8% in the appropriate category. The results of the trial of the LKPD teaching materials with global diversity showed a difference in the average pretest of 34.64 and posttest of 54.48 for 25 students. Effectiveness is shown in learning outcomes through paired sample tests on SPSS 25, with a significant value (2-tailed) 0.000 &lt; 0.05. There is a difference in the average learning outcomes before and after treatment using LKPD teaching materials with global diversity in Javanese language subjects in elementary school. It is customary to conclude that the development of LKPD teaching materials with global diversity makes learning effective in increasing students' understanding of the Javanese language, krama inggil.</em></p> Rika Fatmawati Dwiana Asih Wiranti Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Cerdas Proklamator http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 11 2 194 204 PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA INTERAKTIF BERBASIS ANDROID BERMUATAN KEARIFAN LOKAL PADA MATERI PENGENALAN ALAT MUSIK DAERAH UNTUK SEKOLAH DASAR PURWOREJO https://jnte.bunghatta.ac.id/index.php/jcp/article/view/202 <p><em>This study aims to determine the feasibility and produce a product in the form of android-based interactive media containing lokal wisdom in the introduction to regional musical instruments for elementary schools using the RnD (research and development) method. While in the development stage using the ADDIE model (analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation). The subjects used in this study were two lecturers from the Muhammadiyah University of Purworejo as validators of media experts and material experts. Data collection techniques using interviews, questionnaires, observation, and documentation. The instrument in this study is the validation sheet of media and material experts. Data analysis uses a Likert scale to determine the quality of the Android-based interactive media product containing lokal wisdom that was developed. The results of the feasibility of android-based interactive media containing lokal wisdom from media experts get a score of 4.48 and material experts get a score of 4.54. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that the development of android-based interactive media containing lokal wisdom has the "very good" criteria. Then, it can be suitable for use in elementary schools Purworejo.</em></p> Muflikhul Khaq Prasita Puspita Sari Rintis Rizkia Pangestika Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Cerdas Proklamator http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 11 2 205 2017 PENGARUH STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN AKTIF TIPE THE GREAT WIND BLOWS TERHADAP TINGKAT KECEMASAN MATEMATIS SISWA DI SEKOLAH DASAR https://jnte.bunghatta.ac.id/index.php/jcp/article/view/181 <p>Math anxiety is one of the most serious obstacles in education. Based on the results of observations, there are early indications that students experience anxiety in learning mathematics. The purpose of this study was to see the effect of the great wind blows type of active learning strategy on the level of students' mathematical anxiety. The method used for this paper is a quantitative method using a pre-experimental design. the pre-experimental design with the one group pretest post test design was used because the researcher wanted to see the difference between the level of anxiety before the action was taken and after the action was carried out so that from these results it could be seen whether there was an influence or not from the learning strategy used. The results of this study indicate that the average value of the posttest results obtained an average value of 45.32 with a standard deviation of 8.55 while the pretest results obtained an average value of 54.64 with a standard deviation of 9.21. the great wind blows type of active learning strategy (posttest) tends to decrease compared to before using the great wind blows type of active learning strategy (pretest).</p> Herdi Setiawan Nurhizrah Gistituati Azwar Ananda Rusdinal Rahmi Putri Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Cerdas Proklamator http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 11 2 218 225 ANALISIS PELAKSANAAN ASESMEN NASIONAL BERBASIS KOMPUTER (ANBK) DI SEKOLAH DASAR https://jnte.bunghatta.ac.id/index.php/jcp/article/view/205 <p><em>Technology, Information and Communication (ICT), which is growing rapidly today, must be recognized as having an impact on all aspects of human life, including education, so that the implementation of the National Assessment using a computer-based system is called the Computer-Based National Assessment (ANBK). The research used a qualitative method with a case study approach, collecting data using observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed that SDN Puger has implemented a computer-based national assessment (ANBK), school readiness starts from preparation, implementation and implementation process. In the implementation, there are several obstacles faced, including the lack of infrastructure, inadequate network and lack of student understanding of ANBK question material. There are suggestions in overcoming these problems, namely teachers lending laptops for computer shortages at school, adding wifi at school so that the signal is stable when implementing ANBK and the school holds additional lessons outside of school hours that discuss AKM questions and the school also develops sapa litersi innovations (welcome morning literacy).</em></p> Sinta Bella Muhammad Fadhlan Syahnaidi Zulhijrah Moh Ferdi Hasan Shaleh Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Cerdas Proklamator http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 11 2 226 234 PENINGKATAN KETERAMPILAN MEMBACA SISWA KELAS III MENGGUNAKAN MODEL COOPERATIVE INTEGRATED READING AND COMPOSITION (CIRC) SD NEGERI 29 GANTIANG UTARA PADANG https://jnte.bunghatta.ac.id/index.php/jcp/article/view/209 <p><em>The lack of use of learning models that are attractive to students is one of the factors causing the low reading ability of students in class, especially elementary school students. This research aims to improve students' reading skills using the Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) model for class III students at SDN 29 Gantiang Utara Padang. This type of research is classroom action research with a qualitative and quantitative approach.</em> <em>Research procedures are planning, implementation, observation and reflection. The research subjects were 26 class III students who carried out two cycles. Research data is in the form of objective tests and observation results from all actions. Observation and test data collection techniques. The research results increased students' reading skills learning outcomes in cycle I by 65.3%, this was because many students were not able to read correctly and fluently. Meanwhile, in cycle II there was an increase of 77%, because the learning implementation process was appropriate. From the research results it can be concluded that learning Indonesian using the Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) model can improve the reading skills of class III students at SD Negeri 29 Gantiang Utara Padang.</em></p> Yetty Morelent Risa Yulisna Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Cerdas Proklamator http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 11 2 235 242